Éva Kiss
Advisor Pricing & Access
Éva Kiss
Advisor Pricing & Access
Éva graduated with her MSc in Economics in 2003 at the Corvinus University of Budapest, and attained a second Masters degree in Healthcare Management at the Semmelweis University in 2005. Between 2003 and 2010 Éva worked with Novartis in Hungary as a Pricing & Reimbursement Specialist preparing several P&R and Value Dossiers for successful submission to the authorities. She was important contributor on selected global pricing projects within Novartis thus acquiring a broad and deep understanding of the pricing, reimbursement and market access regulations of numerous markets.
Between 2011 and 2012 Éva was with the National Health Insurance Fund, Price Subsidy Department Budapest, gaining a comprehensive picture from a national payor perspective, too. Éva joined Akceso Advisors’ Team early 2012 and has added value in numerous projects since, including launch price optimizations, market attractiveness assessments and cost containment management. She is the owner and developer of Akceso’s comprehensive Country PR&MA Information Database, an essential basis of Akceso’s capabilities.
External Reference Pricing may have negative effects globally? – research article in Frontiers
This 5 years of research explores how external reference pricing (ERP, or also called as IRP – International Reference Pricing) is used to set pharmaceutical prices to improve affordability, but how its application may have negative consequences on patient access across certain countries.
Read more about Éva in our Blog
One of the things I learnt from Akceso – always welcome challenges
One of the things that I have learnt during my time with Akceso is that, if you believe that something is good and brings value, do not wait to start doing it.
Satisfied Client of Our Recent Pricing Strategy Project
At the beginning of October we have delivered the result of a MarketScout service project and our client was really satisfied. Read their feedback!