IRP Master Tool
the advanced launch sequence and in-market price and sales forecasting & optimisation tool
from Akceso for pharma

from Akceso for pharma
International Reference Pricing (IRP or as also called ERP – External Reference Pricing ) may have a negative impact on your revenue and it could also limit patient access to your therapies. Do you plan launching a new product OR is it in-market already and want to be prepared for the price changes?
Advanced launch sequence and sales optimisation
Powerful in-market price change mitigation
Realistic country-by-country predictions for price and net sales evolution while maximising patient access
Setting pricing strategy to optimise a drug’s value potential is one of the most important challenges for pharmaceutical companies today. This complex task requires an understanding of the multiple impacts that any price change might have on disparate markets linked through International Reference Pricing (IRP – also known as ERP: External Reference Pricing).
Akceso’s Verity IRP Master Tool simulates the effects of IRP providing you with high-level IRP simulations that show how changes in the price of a drug in one country could impact the price in other countries. It calculates the potential revenue impact, delivered through a web-based tool available anywhere, any time.
Accessible anywhere via secure connection
39% improvement of net sales
to €231m over 5 years*
Maintainable average launch ex-factory price improvement of 19%*
Launch list price improvement
in majority of markets up to 120%*
*Compared to baseline
The IRP Master Tool is designed with global, regional and country heads of Pricing, Market and Patient Access functions in mind providing valuable support in optimising strategic pricing decisions. The Tool can equally provide insights for functional heads in Pricing, Market Access, Marketing, Finance and Sales.
Get in touch with us and schedule an IRP Master Tool demo.
Akceso Advisors AG
Aeschengraben 29.
CH-4051 Basel
© 2011-2025 Akceso Advisors AG | Photos by Luca Gőbölyös & Thomas Bittera
Get in touch with us and schedule a demo.
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The PRiMA Headlines Newsletter provides a monthly overview of developments in Pricing, Reimbursement and Market Access across the globe. Since its launch in June 2015 we have covered more than 8,000 stories from over 160 countries.