Mind the communication gap in patient access
Read the story of how the clear communication unlocked the market access potential of an innovative product for our client.
Akceso’s ‘Evidence-based Asset Valuation’ methodology
What the three-part evidence-gathering method includes and how it helps to achieve both patient- & public health benefit and long-term economic success.
How a hostage negotiator can inspire business leaders?
Read the thoughts of András Incze related to the Advanced High-Performance Leadership (HPL) program led by Professor George Kohlrieser.
One of the things I learnt from Akceso – always welcome challenges
One of the things that I have learnt during my time with Akceso is that, if you believe that something is good and brings value, do not wait to start doing it.
Why the World needs Catalysts?
’Catalysts to patient access and pricing success for better public health – worldwide.’ This is our motto. Based on Renáta Vincze’s writing, we see how important catalysts can be.
Working remotely – How does this work at Akceso Advisors? What are the benefits for our clients?
Working remotely is here to stay! The Covid pandemic gave it an enormous boost. While working remotely has a lot of benefits, it is not all rosy.
Applying Pharma Market Access Models to Food
What is the common between food supply, the Netflix, and pharma market access?
External Reference Pricing may have negative effects globally? – research article in Frontiers
This 5 years of research explores how external reference pricing (ERP, or also called as IRP – International Reference Pricing) is used to set pharmaceutical prices to improve affordability, but how its application may have negative consequences on patient access across certain countries.
We Look Back To A Remarkable Year 2021
We are happy to share with you the blog post of András Incze, CEO of Akceso Advisors on what was accomplished, how we made an impact with our international team in these challenging times and lived up again to our promise.
The Essence of 17 Years in Marathon Running
4 good reasons of running marathon: Read thoughts of András Incze about how marathon running became a passionate habit for him and how it reflects in Akceso.
Satisfied Client of Our Recent Pricing Strategy Project
At the beginning of October we have delivered the result of a MarketScout service project and our client was really satisfied. Read their feedback!
Great Feedback For Our Recent Pricing & Reimbursement Project
“I am really pleased with the outcome…. and seldom agree so quickly with
No International Reference Pricing for drugs in the US – good news for patients in the US and worldwide
The US Government just published its “Comprehensive Plan for Addressing High Drug Prices”. It lists a number of initiatives and ideas, but does NOT mention is International Reference Pricing – and this is good news for patients in the US and worldwide (and for manufacturers, too). – Read the Akceso Advisors reflection on a latest development in the US pharmaceuticals market based on Akceso Advisors’ research related to the impact of International Reference Pricing (IRP) on patient access and innovation.
New Publication Co-Authored by Dávid Deritei
Parity and time reversal elucidate both decision-making in empirical models and attractor scaling in critical Boolean networks – featured on the top journal Science Advances
Károly Dénes has joined to Akceso
Károly Dénes has joined our team in February 2021. Meet our newest Akcesoian!
10 Years in More Numbers
Akceso Advisors generated up to an additional 12% sales revenue for clients!
10 Years in Numbers
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Akceso Advisors we have collected a few facts and figures, demonstrating the successes and milestones.